Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Social Networking

I have never been into social networking before, although, I have frequently visited the blogs and twitter accounts of many of the writers and book fans I am now following to see what they've been up to, I have never had an account or participated myself. Last week, however, I took the plunge and set up both this blog and a twitter account. I have read many times over the past year or so how social networking is a great tool for writers and readers to make themselves accessible to others and to discuss the things they have in common.

I'll admit I was dubious about joining twitter at first, thinking 'who an earth whould want to follow me?' I needn't have worried, though, as I soon gained a handful of followers, which made me feel a whole lot easier and comfortable with the process. So, thank you to all those that have followed me so far.

I am hoping to sort my blog out and add more content to it over the course of the new few weeks, so I hope you'll stick with it. And if you'd like to follow me on twitter, you can find me at: @amy_jayne_

Thursday, 4 August 2011


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I should probably start by telling you a little about myself. My name is Amy, I live in Suffolk, and am a big reader. I mostly read chick-lit books, although I do like to read a crime novel from time to time and I have been known to dip into fantasy novels too.

I write a bit too. More for fun than anything else though. I got started at the beginning of the year when I was diagnosed with costochondritis. For those who don't know what costochondritis is, it's when the cartilage around the ribs and the sternum become inflamed, causing much pain and discomfort. On average, costochondritis will affect sufferers for 6-8 weeks, however, seven months on, I still very much suffer from the condition. In pain and at a loss as to what to do to get myself through it, I decided to write, and it really helped me through it and I actually found it quite therpautic.

So that's a little about me. I'm not too sure what this blog is going to be about yet, but I hope you stick with it, it might be fun!